Thursday, May 12, 2016

April 2016

On Conference Saturday - Noah, Sophie, and Abby built a fort and hung out in it while eating snacks and listening to the talks!
While the dads were at Priesthood, the moms and kids went out to eat and had fun with Ellie's "Face swap" app. Some of the results were pretty scary - always funny - and it continued the next day with some of the dads that weren't with us the night before!
Noah & Shalae

Auburn & Shalae

Noah & Grandma

Suzanne & Noah

Auburn & Suzanne

Abby & Davis

Ellie & Grandma

Ellie & Noah

 Suzanne & Noah

Jax & Noah

Ellie & Noah (again)

Noah & Ellie (and again)

Suzanne & Grandma

Sophie & Lucy

Russ & Shalae

Grandma & Poppy

Noah & Russ
  This is how we found Noah and Abby one night when we got home from a date!
 Russ, Noah, Sophie, and Abby hanging out outside while the weather was nice!

I had to snap this pic of Russ and Noah holding hands hahaha! I think it might have been against Noah's will!

Noah got to go to a Diamondbacks game with Nathan Graff and Stephen Rapier - he had a great time!