Tuesday, August 16, 2016

July 2016

July started out so great with our trip to Flagstaff but during the rest of the month - we didn't do much besides enjoy summer! Here are the pictures we took throughout the month...

We got to babysit the twins one night and we were all in heaven! Sophie and Noah were both such great helpers. We now call Noah the Clark whiperer. These boy cousins love each other!

And Sophie loved taking care of Miss Ivy!

 This same night, the air conditioning in the kitchen and family room stopped working. In the middle of July! We moved into my room with the babies for the rest of the night.

 I was loving these cuddles!

Clark couldn't take his eyes off the basketball game on tv!

Noah is such a good, hard worker. He usually just gets his jobs done without complaining and makes the best of it. I had to snap a picture of him mowing the lawn with his headphones on...

Ellie and Noah got dropped off at the mall one day and I couldn't believe they were old enough to be at the "mall rat" stage! They had some fun times together this summer. 

We took a day trip up to Flagstaff to help on the lot. Russ and Noah did the helping (with my dad, Bryan, and Jax) - but Abby and I were pretty useless. We ended up staying in Flagstaff overnight - Russ did some dirtbike riding while I took Noah and Abby to see Finding Dory. We had a fun day together.