Monday, June 13, 2016

May 2016

Noah's end-of-the-year band concert (he played the saxophone)
Noah has been busy as an 11-year-old scout. He earned lots of awards at this court of honor!

Mother's Day with my 2 sweetest kids!

Noah with his Wham team and coach Scott (Graff) at the end of the season... Noah wore his neon for every game!

Noah finished the 5th grade and got an award for being on Principal's Honor Roll every quarter!

His teacher, Mrs. Vietel, sent home this picture she took of Noah at 'meet the teacher' almost a year ago... I love it so much. What a handsome boy!
We "camped" in our backyard one night... Noah set up his own little tent and slept in it alone while the rest of us slept all together in a bigger tent...

The next day, we headed out to the desert to do some riding, along with Brad and Suzanne and Ellie. 

We found a mining cave on our trail and went in to check it out!

I talked Russ into staying home from Crossfit on Memorial Day to do a Kayla Itsines workout with me instead. Then Russ talked Noah into finishing the last half or so with us. It's not easy!

Noah got to attend our stake's Zion Camp for a few days with Russ. They both had a great time!