Friday, January 22, 2016

December 2015

Noah had his first band concert in December, playing with other fifth graders at his school. He plays the saxophone!

Here's Noah with some of his best friends who also happen to play in band: Nash, Wyatt, Louis, and Azme.

Listening to the primary children sing Christmas songs at the ward Christmas party is always a hit... Sophie and Noah are both in there somewhere!
Noah was nowhere to be found when Santa made it to the ward party. He thinks he's too cool to sit on Santa's lap :(
Supporting Abby at her first dance recital!

This year, we changed up our Sunday-night Sherwood family Christmas get together. In the past we have done a hay-ride and caroling, but this year we decided to have a little campfire gathering and play some games...

We played a "Christmas singing bee" game where everyone was paired up with someone they played against, and we would start to play a Christmas song, stop it, then tell the players to write down the next (however many) words in the song. It was fun!

Afterward, we had hot chocolate and donuts. Yum!!

And of course all of the kids got a little crazy!

Abby and Noah got to go on an actual horse-drawn-hay ride, with Russ and the other kids in mutual one night!

Christmas Sunday!

I can't believe how big Noah is. We took this picture for his grandparents for Christmas...

... and Abby couldn't stand to be left out of a picture so we had to get one with her too!

Just about every day during winter break, Noah would meet the other boys in the neighborhood at the park to play football. They also do it 3 days a week or so when school is in session. It's something he takes very seriously and makes sure that he gets there on time and attends "training camp" which is put on by the older boys in the neighborhood. I love it!

Usually on Christmas Eve, we don't have much going on. So we got together with other members of our family that were also not doing much, and went to see the temple lights. Afterward, we walked across the street and bought dinner from some food trucks. It was a pretty fun thing to do!

Before bed, Abby and Noah got to open one Christmas gift. I wonder what it could be?!

New pajamas of course!

We made sure that the house was nice and tidy for Santa to visit and mom snapped this picture after he must have snuck in and out. He brought fun things for all the kids...

... and also stuffed everyone's stockings full of goodies!

Abby was so happy the next morning to find that Santa brought her a bike. She had been asking for this exact bike for months!

Noah got new lego sets! He couldn't wait to start putting them together.
Grandma Price and Russ's girls came over... here's the aftermath!
New Year's Eve, we got together for some yummy food and games at Grandma & Poppy's house. Poppy, Grandma, Bryan, Auburn, Roxy, Suzanne, Russ, Mom, Noah, Abby and were there... but some of those people were party poopers. The dads didn't play the game with us but we had a good time. They fell asleep instead and we ended up leaving before midnight even!

We got home to our house just a few minutes before midnight, and our neighbors were setting off fireworks in the street. Abby was so concerned about what was happening!

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