Friday, January 22, 2016

October 2015

We went to the lake with Jared and Shanda Adams during mid-October and it was lots of fun. We were surprised that getting in the water wasn't actually too bad! We surfed and rode the hot dog tube! Even Abby got on the tube between Noah and I - but we did tip over and she was done. Poor girl!

The Standage family came to town and took Noah with them to the ASU football game. Afterward, he got to meet Mike Bercovichi, the quarterback!

Noah had fall break during mid-October. We did a food packing session at "Feed My Starving Children" and took Suzanne, Ellie, and Wyatt with us. It was an awesome experience!

Noah's playing a season of basketball and doing awesome!

Noah had a birthday! He woke up to cinnamon rolls in the oven and got a new bike before he went to school that morning.

As soon as he left for school, Russ and I rushed around to make-over his bedroom. He's a seahawks fan and asked us before moving into this house, if he could have a seahawks room. 

He LOVED it! Up until this day, he had his "surfer" bedroom since the time he was 18 months. In fact, his crib bedding was the same surfer collection.

That night to celebrate Noah's birthday, he picked where we ate and we took Wyatt with us. We went to Teriyaki Madness and then to Jaxen's football game against Mesa High. 

We did a family outing to TopGolf one night. Noah and Russ were supposed to go on a campout this night but we figured out that morning that we weren't prepared for it and it was going to be really hard to make it work. So we did TopGolf instead. We loved the food and the music and being together. 

The next day, Russ took the kids out for a Teryx ride while I stayed home and worked on more projects for Sophie's room. 
Halloween night

Noah and his friends roamed the neighborhood together - Noah's first time without us - and had so much fun. There was even a haunted house around the corner from us that they went through!

Noah's friend Wyatt was an attorney for Halloween, which is what helped Noah decide on his costume as the attorney's client. Wyatt was awesome, his attorney name was Bob Loblaw (pronounced "ba-blah-blah) and he handed out business cards with his picture and name on it!

This technically happened in November (the 1st) but I'll include it in the October blog post since both of these kids have October birthdays. We celebrated their birthdays at grandma & poppy's house with the whole Sherwood family.


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